How to Start a Fundraiser Event for School

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School fundraisers have been around for ages. They come in handy when you need funds for everything from new books to field trips, and students love getting involved in the process. There are plenty of school fundraising ideas to explore, but it’s important that you choose the right one for your cause. Figuring out the best ways to get your supporters excited can be a challenge. After all, you’re dealing with a diverse group of potential donors. In this article, we will cover how to start a fundraiser event for school.

How to Start a Fundraiser Event for School

Before you start the fundraiser, you’re going to want to determine how the fundraiser will work. Is it going to be an event, or will you be selling something that the proceeds benefit the school? Here are some ideas to help get you started on how you’ll raise money for your school.

Create a School Fundraiser Site

One of the best ways to boost fundraising for your school is to create a user-friendly and intuitive online school fundraising website. These make it easy to raise funds for your school. Since they’re available online, individuals can choose to support your cause wherever they are and when it’s most convenient for them. On this site, you can also offer school merchandise for purchase, and those proceeds go towards the fundraiser.

How to Start a Fundraiser Event for School

Hold a Scratch Card School Fundraiser

Scratch cards are a fun way to raise funds for your school. They’re also great at reaching your fundraising goals fast. Ask volunteers to reach out to their family, friends and neighbors and ask them to scratch two circles (with small donations under each circle) off of their fundraising card. Once they scratch the card, they’re required to make a donation. These types of fundraisers work well for:

  • Fun learning events and field trips.
  • Student clubs and after-school programs.
  • Music programs.
  • Spirit week fundraisers.
  • Intramural and extramural sports teams.

School Discount Cards

Every school has elements that make up the school’s identity: special colors, a mascot, a motto, among others. Help your students, teachers and family members show off their school spirit by selling merchandise to raise funds for the school. A popular school merchandise option you can raise funds with is a school discount card. Those who purchase the cards get discounts at various local stores.

Bottom Line

Once you know how to start a fundraiser event for school, making it successful won’t be difficult, and it’ll help prevent mistakes from occurring. With these amazing strategies in mind, you should have an easy time rocking your school’s next fundraiser.


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